Why is Janitor AI Not Working? Errors and Solutions 2024

Janitor AI is a popular AI-powered writing assistant that helps users with tasks such as content creation, proofreading, and ideation. However, like any software, it can sometimes encounter errors or issues that prevent it from functioning correctly. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore some of the most common Janitor AI errors and provide solutions to help you get the tool up and running again.

Common Janitor AI Errors and Solutions

Before diving into specific errors, it’s essential to understand that Janitor AI, like the Bing AI Image Generator, is a complex system that relies on various components, including natural language processing models, databases, and cloud infrastructure. Errors can arise due to issues with any of these components or external factors such as network connectivity or server load.

Here are some of the most common Janitor AI errors and their potential solutions:

Why Janitor AI Bot Not Responding? (March 20, 2024)

Why Janitor AI Bot Not Responding? (March 20, 2024)
Server Outage or MaintenanceWait patiently and try again later when the servers are back online or maintenance is complete.
High Server LoadWait for some time and try again later when the server load is lower. Janitor AI may implement queuing or rate-limiting during high traffic periods.
Network Connectivity IssuesCheck your internet connection and troubleshoot any potential problems. Try reconnecting to your network or switching to a different network.
Browser or Application CachingClear your browser’s cache and cookies, or try restarting the application you’re using to access Janitor AI.
Software Updates or Compatibility IssuesEnsure you’re using the latest version of Janitor AI and that it’s compatible with your operating system and browser.
Contact SupportIf the issue persists, reach out to Janitor AI’s support team for further assistance. They may be able to provide more specific guidance or identify and resolve any underlying issues.

Error: “Sorry.. There was an error” Janitor AI

One common error message you might encounter when using Janitor AI is “Sorry.. There was an error.” This generic error message typically indicates that something went wrong during the processing of your request, but it doesn’t provide specific details about the cause of the error.

How to Fix Janitor AI Not Working:

  1. Retry your request: Sometimes, temporary glitches or server issues can cause this error. Try resubmitting your request or refreshing the page to see if the issue resolves itself.
  2. Check for updates: Ensure that you’re using the latest version of Janitor AI. Outdated versions may be more prone to errors or incompatibilities.
  3. Clear your browser cache: Clearing your browser’s cache can sometimes resolve issues with web-based applications like Janitor AI.
  4. Contact support: If the issue persists, reach out to Janitor AI’s support team for further assistance. They may be able to provide more specific guidance or troubleshoot the problem more effectively.

Error: “Unexpected End of JSON Input” Error Janitor AI

The “Unexpected End of JSON Input” error is a common issue that can occur when Janitor AI encounters a problem parsing or processing the JSON data it receives. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data interchange format used for transmitting data between a web application and a server.

How to Fix Unexpected End of JSON Input:

  1. Refresh the page: Sometimes, this error can be caused by a temporary glitch or network issue. Try refreshing the page or resubmitting your request to see if the problem resolves itself.
  2. Clear your browser cache and cookies: Cached data or cookies can sometimes interfere with the proper handling of JSON data. Clear your browser’s cache and cookies, then try again.
  3. Check for updates: Ensure that you’re using the latest version of Janitor AI, as older versions may be more prone to JSON parsing issues.
  4. Check for network issues: Poor network connectivity or proxy server issues can sometimes cause problems with JSON data transmission. Try accessing Janitor AI from a different network or disabling any proxy servers you’re using.
  5. Contact support: If the issue persists, reach out to Janitor AI’s support team for further assistance. They may be able to provide more specific guidance or troubleshoot the problem more effectively.

Error: Janitor AI Sorry there was an Error

Error: Janitor AI Sorry there was an Error
Retry your requestSometimes, retrying your request or refreshing the page can resolve temporary issues.
Check for updatesEnsure you’re using the latest version of Janitor AI, as updates often include bug fixes and improvements.
Clear your browser cache and cookiesClearing your cache and cookies can sometimes resolve issues with web applications like Janitor AI.
Check for network issuesPoor network connectivity or proxy server issues can sometimes cause errors when communicating with Janitor AI’s servers.
Contact supportIf the issue persists, reach out to Janitor AI’s support team for further assistance. They may be able to provide more specific guidance or troubleshoot the problem more effectively.

How to Fix Janitor AI Sorry there was an Error:

  1. Retry your request: As with other generic errors, sometimes retrying your request or refreshing the page can resolve temporary issues.
  2. Check for updates: Ensure you’re using the latest version of Janitor AI, as updates often include bug fixes and improvements.
  3. Clear your browser cache and cookies: Clearing your cache and cookies can sometimes resolve issues with web applications like Janitor AI.
  4. Check for network issues: Poor network connectivity or proxy server issues can sometimes cause errors when communicating with Janitor AI’s servers.
  5. Contact support: If the issue persists, reach out to Janitor AI’s support team for further assistance. They may be able to provide more specific guidance or troubleshoot the problem more effectively.

Error: Character detail not loading or showing up

If you’re encountering an issue where character details or other visual elements are not loading or displaying correctly within Janitor AI, there could be a few potential causes:

  1. Browser compatibility issues: Janitor AI may not be fully compatible with your current browser or browser version. Try using a different browser or updating to the latest version to see if that resolves the issue.
  2. JavaScript or CSS issues: Problems with JavaScript or CSS files used by Janitor AI could prevent certain visual elements from loading correctly. Clearing your browser cache and cookies may help resolve these types of issues.
  3. Network or server issues: If Janitor AI’s servers are experiencing problems or if there are network connectivity issues, it could prevent character details or other visual elements from loading properly.
  4. Contact support: If you’ve tried the above troubleshooting steps and the issue persists, reach out to Janitor AI’s support team for further assistance. They may be able to provide more specific guidance or identify and resolve any underlying issues.

Error Parsing Message from Janitor AI and Profile Not Found

Error Parsing Message from Janitor AI and Profile Not Found

How to Fix Profile not Found Janitor AI:

If you’re encountering an error related to parsing messages or a “Profile Not Found” error within Janitor AI, there are a few potential solutions you can try:

  1. Clear your browser cache and cookies: Cached data or cookies can sometimes interfere with Janitor AI’s ability to properly parse messages or load user profiles. Clearing your cache and cookies may resolve the issue.
  2. Check for updates: Ensure that you’re using the latest version of Janitor AI, as updates often include bug fixes and improvements that could address parsing or profile loading issues.
  3. Log out and log back in: Sometimes, logging out of Janitor AI and then logging back in can help resolve parsing or profile-related issues.
  4. Check for network issues: Poor network connectivity or proxy server issues can sometimes cause problems with message parsing or profile loading within Janitor AI. Try accessing the application from a different network or disabling any proxy servers you’re using.
  5. Contact support: If the issue persists after trying the above troubleshooting steps, reach out to Janitor AI’s support team for further assistance. They may be able to provide more specific guidance or identify and resolve any underlying issues.

Error: “max_length”:[” Must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 512

This error is typically encountered when using Janitor AI’s text generation or completion features. The error message indicates that the input text or prompt provided to the AI model exceeds the maximum allowed length, which is 512 tokens (words or word pieces) in this case.

Here are some potential solutions to fix this error:

  1. Shorten your input text or prompt: If your input text or prompt is longer than 512 tokens, try breaking it down into smaller chunks or shortening it to stay within the allowed length limit.
  2. Use a different AI model: Janitor AI may offer different AI models with varying maximum input length limits. If the 512 token limit is too restrictive for your use case, explore the available model options and choose one with a higher maximum input length.
  3. Check for updates: Janitor AI’s developers may periodically update the AI models or adjust the maximum input length limits. Ensure you’re using the latest version of the application to benefit from any such updates.
  4. Contact support: If the issue persists or if you require further assistance, reach out to Janitor AI’s support team. They may be able to provide more specific guidance or offer alternative solutions based on your unique requirements.

Error: Network error. Try if you can access this URL later!

This error message typically appears when Janitor AI encounters issues connecting to external resources or URLs. It can occur when the application attempts to fetch data from a third-party API or retrieve content from a specific URL, but the connection fails due to network issues or the external resource being unavailable.

Here are some potential solutions to fix this error:

  1. Check your internet connection: Ensure that you have a stable and reliable internet connection. Try reconnecting to your network or switching to a different network if possible.
  2. Check the external resource or URL: The error may be caused by the external resource or URL being temporarily unavailable or experiencing issues. Try accessing the URL directly in your browser to verify if it’s working correctly.
  3. Wait and try again later: If the issue is temporary, such as a brief outage or maintenance on the external resource’s end, waiting for some time and trying again later may resolve the error.
  4. Clear your browser cache and cookies: Cached data or cookies can sometimes interfere with network connections or cause conflicts. Try clearing your browser’s cache and cookies, then attempt to access the external resource or URL again.
  5. Check for any proxy or firewall settings: Proxy servers or firewall settings on your network may be blocking or interfering with the connection to the external resource or URL. Temporarily disable these settings or consult your network administrator for assistance.
  6. Contact support: If the issue persists after trying the above troubleshooting steps, reach out to Janitor AI’s support team for further assistance. They may be able to provide more specific guidance or identify and resolve any underlying issues.

KoboldAI Ran Out of Memory

KoboldAI Ran Out of Memory

Kobold AI is a popular open-source AI language model used by Janitor AI and other applications. If you encounter an error message stating that “KoboldAI Ran Out of Memory,” it typically means that the AI model has exceeded the available memory resources during processing, causing it to crash or become unresponsive.

There are a few potential reasons why Kobold AI might run out of memory:

  1. Large input or output text: If you’re working with extremely long or complex input texts or generating very long outputs, it can consume a significant amount of memory, potentially exceeding the available resources.
  2. Concurrent users or requests: Kobold AI may run into memory issues if there are too many concurrent users or requests being processed simultaneously, especially on systems with limited memory resources.
  3. Memory leaks or inefficient memory management: Like any software, Kobold AI may have memory leaks or inefficient memory management that can lead to memory exhaustion over time or under certain conditions.

Here are some potential solutions to fix the “KoboldAI Ran Out of Memory” error:

  1. Restart the application or service: Sometimes, simply restarting Janitor AI or the service running Kobold AI can help clear up any temporary memory issues.
  2. Reduce input or output text length: If you’re working with extremely long texts, try breaking them down into smaller chunks or reducing the length of your input or output to reduce memory consumption.
  3. Upgrade system resources: If the issue persists and is caused by insufficient memory resources, consider upgrading the system’s RAM or allocating more memory to the service running Kobold AI.
  4. Contact support: If the issue persists after trying the above troubleshooting steps, reach out to Janitor AI’s support team for further assistance. They may be able to provide more specific guidance or identify and resolve any underlying issues with Kobold AI’s memory management.

The model: gpt-4 does not exist

This error message typically occurs when Janitor AI attempts to load or use an AI model that doesn’t exist or isn’t available within the application’s infrastructure. In this specific case, the error indicates that the application is trying to access a model named “gpt-4,” which is likely a reference to the highly anticipated GPT-4 model from OpenAI, which is not yet publicly released.

Here are some potential reasons why you might encounter this error:

  1. Incorrect model name or configuration: The error may be caused by a typo or incorrect model name specified in Janitor AI’s configuration or settings.
  2. Outdated application version: If you’re using an outdated version of Janitor AI, it may be referencing or attempting to load models that are no longer available or have been renamed or replaced.
  3. Unauthorized access or licensing issues: Certain AI models, especially those from commercial providers like OpenAI, may require specific licensing or authorization to access. Janitor AI may not have the necessary permissions to load or use the requested model.

Here are some potential solutions to fix the “The model: gpt-4 does not exist” error:

  1. Check for updates: Ensure that you’re using the latest version of Janitor AI, which may include updates or fixes related to available AI models and their naming conventions.
  2. Review model configuration: If you have the ability to modify Janitor AI’s configuration or settings, double-check the model names and ensure they’re spelled correctly and match the available models within the application.
  3. Contact support: If the issue persists after trying the above troubleshooting steps, reach out to Janitor AI’s support team for further assistance. They may be able to provide more specific guidance or identify and resolve any underlying issues related to model availability or licensing.

Exceeded Quota or Token Limit Error

Exceeded Quota or Token Limit Error

Many AI language models, including those used by Janitor AI, have usage quotas or token limits in place to manage resource consumption and prevent abuse or excessive usage. If you encounter an “Exceeded Quota” or “Token Limit” error, it typically means that you’ve reached the maximum allowed usage or token consumption for a given time period.

Here are some potential reasons why you might encounter this error:

  1. High usage or heavy workloads: If you’re using Janitor AI extensively for text generation, analysis, or other resource-intensive tasks, you may quickly reach your usage quota or token limit, especially if you have a limited or free plan.
  2. Concurrent users or requests: If multiple users or applications are simultaneously making requests to the AI models used by Janitor AI, it can contribute to higher overall usage and cause quota or token limit errors.
  3. Inefficient or excessive token consumption: Depending on the specific AI model and the nature of your inputs or requests, some tasks may consume more tokens than others, leading to faster quota or token limit exhaustion.

Methods to Fix the Exceeded Quota Error:

  1. Upgrade your plan or purchase more tokens: If you’re on a limited or free plan with Janitor AI, consider upgrading to a higher tier or purchasing additional tokens to increase your usage quota or token limit.
  2. Optimize your usage: Review your usage patterns and try to optimize or reduce the number of requests or the length of inputs to minimize token consumption. Consider batching or scheduling resource-intensive tasks to better manage your quota.
  3. Wait for quota reset: Many AI service providers reset usage quotas or token limits on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. If you’ve exceeded your limit, you may need to wait until the next reset period before you can continue using Janitor AI.
  4. Contact support: If the issue persists or if you require further assistance, reach out to Janitor AI’s support team. They may be able to provide more specific guidance, offer temporary quota increases, or suggest alternative solutions based on your usage requirements.

Error: undefined is not an object

The “undefined is not an object” error is a common JavaScript error that can occur when attempting to access properties or methods of an object that is undefined or null. This error can manifest itself in various ways within Janitor AI, depending on the specific context in which it occurs.

Here are some potential causes and solutions for this error:

  1. Incorrect object reference: The error may be caused by an incorrect reference to an object or a variable that is supposed to hold an object but is actually undefined or null. Double-check your code or the application’s logic to ensure that objects are being properly initialized and referenced.
  2. Asynchronous data fetching issues: If Janitor AI relies on asynchronous data fetching from external sources or APIs, the error may occur if the application attempts to access or manipulate the data before it has been fully loaded or fetched.
  3. Third-party library or dependency issues: Janitor AI may rely on third-party libraries or dependencies, and conflicts or issues with these external components could potentially lead to the “undefined is not an object” error.

Here are some potential solutions to fix this error:

  1. Identify the problematic code or functionality: Try to pinpoint the specific area of Janitor AI where the error is occurring, as this can help you narrow down the potential causes and solutions.
  2. Check for proper object initialization and references: Ensure that objects are being properly initialized and referenced throughout the application’s code. Double-check variable assignments and object property accesses.
  3. Implement proper error handling and debugging: Add error handling and debugging mechanisms to your code or within Janitor AI to better understand and catch errors related to undefined objects or null references.
  4. Update third-party libraries or dependencies: If the error is related to third-party libraries or dependencies used by Janitor AI, check for available updates or patches that may address the issue.
  5. Contact support: If the issue persists after trying the above troubleshooting steps, reach out to Janitor AI’s support team for further assistance. They may be able to provide more specific guidance or identify and resolve any underlying issues related to the application’s code or dependencies.

Failed to Fetch in Janitor AI

Check your internet connectionEnsure you have a stable and reliable internet connection. Try reconnecting to your network or switching to a different network.
Check the server or API statusVerify if the remote server or API that Janitor AI is trying to fetch data from is currently online and functioning correctly.
Clear your browser cache and cookiesCached data or cookies can sometimes interfere with network requests or cause conflicts. Try clearing your browser’s cache and cookies.
Disable ad-blockers or browser extensionsAd-blockers or certain browser extensions can sometimes interfere with network requests and cause fetch failures. Try disabling these extensions temporarily.
Check for CORS configurationIf the error is due to CORS restrictions, you may need to modify the CORS configuration on the server or API side to allow cross-origin requests from Janitor AI.
Contact supportIf the issue persists, reach out to Janitor AI’s support team for further assistance. They may be able to provide more specific guidance or identify and resolve any underlying issues related to the application’s data fetching mechanisms or API integrations.

Methods to fix Failed to Fetch error

  1. Check your internet connection: Ensure that you have a stable and reliable internet connection. Try reconnecting to your network or switching to a different network if possible.
  2. Check the server or API status: Verify if the remote server or API that Janitor AI is attempting to fetch data from is currently online and functioning correctly. You can check the service’s status page or contact the provider for more information.
  3. Clear your browser cache and cookies: Cached data or cookies can sometimes interfere with network requests or cause conflicts. Try clearing your browser’s cache and cookies, then attempt to use Janitor AI again.
  4. Disable any ad-blockers or browser extensions: Ad-blockers or certain browser extensions can sometimes interfere with network requests and cause fetch failures. Try disabling these extensions temporarily and see if the issue is resolved.
  5. Check for CORS configuration: If the “Failed to Fetch” error is due to CORS restrictions, you may need to modify the CORS configuration on the server or API side to allow cross-origin requests from Janitor AI.
  6. Contact support: If the issue persists after trying the above troubleshooting steps, reach out to Janitor AI’s support team for further assistance. They may be able to provide more specific guidance or identify and resolve any underlying issues related to the application’s data fetching mechanisms or API integrations.

Why is Janitor AI not working? (Website)

Why is Janitor AI not working? (Website)

If you’re encountering issues with the Janitor AI website itself not loading or responding correctly, there could be several potential causes:

  1. Website maintenance or downtime: Janitor AI’s website may be undergoing scheduled maintenance or experiencing unplanned downtime, which could result in the site being unavailable or unresponsive.
  2. Server or infrastructure issues: Problems with Janitor AI’s servers or underlying infrastructure could cause the website to malfunction or become inaccessible.
  3. Network connectivity issues: If you’re experiencing issues with your internet connection or network, it could prevent the Janitor AI website from loading or functioning correctly.
  4. Browser cache or cookie issues: Cached data or cookies in your browser could potentially cause conflicts or render the website unusable.
  5. Browser or plugin compatibility issues: Incompatibilities between your web browser or installed plugins and the Janitor AI website could lead to issues or errors.

How to Fix Janitor AI Not Working? (Website)

How to Fix Janitor AI Not Working? (Website)

Here are some potential solutions to fix issues with the Janitor AI website not working correctly:

Check Your Internet Connection

Ensure that you have a stable and reliable internet connection. Try reconnecting to your network or switching to a different network if possible. You can also perform a simple internet speed test to verify that your connection is functioning correctly.

Check the status on Twitter

Many websites and services have dedicated Twitter accounts or status pages where they provide updates on any ongoing maintenance or downtime. Check Janitor AI’s official Twitter account or status page for any recent updates or announcements regarding website issues.

Clear Your Browser Cache

Clearing your browser’s cache and cookies can sometimes resolve issues with websites not loading or functioning correctly. Here’s how you can clear your cache in popular web browsers:

  • Google Chrome: Click the three dots in the top-right corner, select “More tools” > “Clear browsing data.” Choose a time range and ensure that “Cached images and files” and “Cookies and other site data” are selected, then click “Clear data.”
  • Mozilla Firefox: Click the three horizontal lines in the top-right corner, select “Settings” > “Privacy & Security” > “Cookies and Site Data.” Click “Clear Data” and ensure that “Cached Web Content” is selected.
  • Safari: Click “Safari” in the top menu, select “Clear Cache” and then “Clear All.”

After clearing your cache, try reloading the Janitor AI website to see if the issue is resolved.

Wait a Few Minutes and Try Again

Sometimes, website issues can be temporary and resolve themselves after a short period. If you’ve tried the above troubleshooting steps and the Janitor AI website is still not working, wait a few minutes and try again later.

Try a Different Browser

If the Janitor AI website is not working correctly in your current web browser, try accessing it using a different browser. This can help determine if the issue is specific to your browser or a more general problem with the website itself.

Update Your Browser

If you’re using an outdated version of your web browser, it could lead to compatibility issues or render the Janitor AI website unusable. Ensure that you’re using the latest version of your preferred browser by checking for updates and installing any available updates.

Contact Janitor AI Support on Discord

If you’ve exhausted all the above troubleshooting steps and the Janitor AI website is still not working correctly, consider reaching out to their support team on Discord or through other official support channels. They may be able to provide further assistance or insights into any ongoing issues or outages.

Remember, website issues can sometimes be beyond your control, and patience may be required if Janitor AI is experiencing technical difficulties or downtime. However, by following these troubleshooting steps, you can often resolve many common website-related issues.


In summary, encountering errors or issues with Janitor AI can be frustrating. However, many of these problems have straightforward solutions. The key is to identify the specific error and methodically troubleshoot the issue. Clear your cache and cookies. Check your internet connection. Ensure you have the latest software updates. Reach out to Janitor AI’s support team if needed.

With some patience and diligence, most Janitor AI errors can be resolved. The tips and solutions provided in this guide should help get you back on track. Don’t get discouraged. Janitor AI is a powerful tool when working properly. Follow the troubleshooting advice to overcome any hiccups. Soon, you’ll be productive again with this capable AI assistant by your side.


Q: Why isn’t my Janitor AI not working?

There could be several reasons why Janitor AI is not working correctly. It could be due to a server outage, high traffic load, network connectivity issues, or compatibility problems with your browser or operating system. Additionally, cache and cookie issues can sometimes interfere with the application’s functionality.

Q: How to get Janitor AI to work?

To get Janitor AI working again, start by checking your internet connection and clearing your browser’s cache and cookies. If the issue persists, try restarting the application or your device, updating to the latest version, or switching to a different browser. You can also check Janitor AI’s official channels for any reported outages or maintenance updates.

Q: Why is Janitor AI so slow?

Janitor AI may experience slower performance due to high server load, network congestion, or resource-intensive tasks running on your device. Additionally, if you’re working with large input texts or generating lengthy outputs, it can consume more processing power, leading to slower response times.

Q: Why is Janitor AI locked?

Janitor AI may become locked or inaccessible for various reasons, such as account issues, payment or subscription problems, or temporary restrictions due to excessive usage or abuse. If you’re encountering a locked state, try logging out and back in, or contact Janitor AI’s support team for further assistance.

Q: Does Janitor AI allow NSFW?

Janitor AI’s policies regarding NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content may vary depending on the specific instance or deployment you’re using. Some versions of Janitor AI may have filters or restrictions in place to prevent the generation or processing of explicit or inappropriate content.

Q: Does Janitor AI ban people?

Yes, Janitor AI has mechanisms in place to ban or restrict users who violate its terms of service or engage in abusive or prohibited activities. This could include generating harmful or illegal content, attempting to bypass security measures, or engaging in other forms of misuse.

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