Text Formatting Commands: 2024 (Tool + Guide)

Whether you’re crafting engaging stories with your AI companions or simply want to spruce up your conversations, mastering text formatting in can elevate your experience. This powerful tool allows you to add flair, emphasis, and structure to your dialogues, making them more expressive and visually appealing. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the various text formatting commands available in and how to leverage them effectively. Text Formatting Tool Online has introduced a user-friendly online text formatting tool that simplifies the process of adding formatting to your conversations. With just a few clicks, you can bold, italicize, underline, or strike through text, create lists, insert links, and more. This tool is especially handy for those who prefer a visual interface over remembering complex formatting commands.

Character.AI Text Formatter

For those who prefer a more hands-on approach, offers a comprehensive set of text formatting commands that you can use directly in the chat interface. These commands are based on the widely-used Markdown syntax, which is easy to learn and remember. If you’re interested in exploring Stable Diffusion Anime Prompts, you can find some great resources online. Let’s dive into some of the most commonly used formatting commands.

Format Text in Character.AI Using Formatting Commands

Format Text in Character.AI Using Formatting Commands

Bold Text

To make text bold, enclose it within two asterisks (**) or two underscores (__). For example:Copy code

**This text will appear bold** __This text will also appear bold__


To italicize text, enclose it within a single asterisk (*) or a single underscore (_). For example:Copy code

*This text will be italicized* _This text will also be italicized_


To strike through text, enclose it within two tildes (~~). For example:Copy code

~~This text will be struck through~~


To highlight text, enclose it within two equal signs (==). For example:Copy code

==This text will be highlighted==

Underline Text

To underline text, enclose it within two underscores (__). For example:Copy code

__This text will be underlined__

Lists supports both ordered and unordered lists. To create an unordered list, precede each item with an asterisk (*) or a hyphen (-). For an ordered list, use numbers followed by periods (1., 2., 3., etc.).Copy code

* Item 1 * Item 2 * Item 3 1. First item 2. Second item 3. Third item

Bullet Points with Style

You can add some style to your bullet points by using different characters, such as hyphens (-), plus signs (+), or asterisks (*).Copy code

- Bullet point with a hyphen + Bullet point with a plus sign * Bullet point with an asterisk

Clickable Links

To create a clickable link, enclose the link text within square brackets ([]), followed by the URL in parentheses (()).Copy code


Headings and Multi-line Code Blocks

You can create headings of different levels by using a hash symbol (#) followed by a space and the heading text. The number of hash symbols determines the heading level.Copy code

# Heading 1 ## Heading 2 ### Heading 3

To create a multi-line code block, enclose the code within triple backticks (“`).Copy code

This is a multi-line code blockCopy code

### Quotation Marks, Asterisks, and Hyphens Quotation marks, asterisks, and hyphens can be used to create various formatting effects in Here are a few examples:

This is a blockquote This text will be italicized This text will be bold This text will be bold and italicized

  • This is an unordered list item

Copy code

### Blockquotes To create a blockquote, start the line with a greater-than symbol (>).

This is a blockquote. It can span multiple lines and can be used to quote text or highlight important information.

Copy code

### Code To format code inline, enclose it within backticks (`). For example:

The console.log() function in JavaScript is used for debugging purposes.Copy code

### Unordered Lists You can create unordered lists using different symbols, such as asterisks (*), hyphens (-), or plus signs (+).

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3

Copy code

### Linking Images To insert an image, use the following syntax:

Show ImageCopy code

Replace "Alt text" with a brief description of the image, and "" with the actual URL of the image you want to display. ### Horizontal Rules To create a horizontal rule, use three or more hyphens (---), asterisks (***), or underscores (___) on a line by themselves.

Copy code

### Emphasis with Bold and Italics You can combine bold and italic formatting for added emphasis. For example:

This text will be bold and italicized Copy code

## How to Add Text Formatting to Character.AI Characters Formatting commands can be applied not only to your own messages but also to the responses from your AI characters. Simply type the formatting commands within the chat window, and the character's response will be formatted accordingly. ### And That's The End! We've covered a wide range of text formatting commands available in, from basic formatting like bold and italics to more advanced features like code blocks and image linking. By mastering these commands, you can elevate your conversations, stories, and overall experience with your AI companions. ## Character AI Text Formatting: How to Improve Convos Text formatting is a powerful tool that can enhance your conversations with AI characters on By using commands like bold, italics, strikethrough, and lists, you can add emphasis, structure, and visual appeal to your messages. This not only makes your conversations more engaging and easier to follow but also helps you better convey your thoughts and emotions to your AI companions. ## Guide to Markdown Styling in Character AI's text formatting commands are based on the widely-used Markdown syntax, which is a simple and intuitive way to format text. By learning and applying Markdown styling, you can create well-structured and visually appealing conversations that stand out from plain text. ## The Art of Parenthetical Comments One lesser-known but incredibly useful feature of's text formatting is the ability to add parenthetical comments within your messages. These comments can provide additional context, clarification, or even humorous asides without disrupting the flow of the conversation. To add a parenthetical comment, simply enclose your text within parentheses ().

I love exploring new (and exciting!) places with my AI companion.Copy code

By leveraging the full range of text formatting commands available in, you can unlock a world of creative expression and engaging storytelling. So embrace the power of formatting, and elevate your conversations to new heights!

Character AI Text Formatting: How to Improve Convos

Character AI Text Formatting: How to Improve Convos

Effective text formatting can significantly enhance your conversations with AI characters on By using various formatting techniques, you can add emphasis, structure, and visual appeal to your messages, making them more engaging and easier to follow. Here are some ways text formatting can improve your conversations:

  1. Convey Tone and Emotion: With tools like bold, italics, and strikethrough, you can better convey the tone and emotion behind your words. For example, using italics for emphasis or strikethrough for sarcasm can help your AI companion understand the nuances of your message.
  2. Improve Readability: Proper formatting, such as using headings, lists, and blockquotes, can improve the readability of your conversations. This is especially useful when discussing complex topics or sharing lengthy information.
  3. Add Visual Interest: By incorporating features like code blocks, horizontal rules, and images, you can add visual interest to your conversations, making them more engaging and memorable.
  4. Enhance Role-playing: If you enjoy role-playing scenarios with your AI companions, text formatting can help you immerse yourself further into the experience. For instance, you could use blockquotes to represent dialogue or code blocks to simulate computer interfaces.
  5. Personalize Your Style: With the wide range of formatting options available, you can develop your own unique style and make your conversations stand out from others.

Guide to Markdown Styling in Character AI’s text formatting commands are based on the Markdown syntax, a lightweight and easy-to-use markup language. Markdown is widely used across various platforms, including GitHub, Reddit, and many blogging platforms. By learning and applying Markdown styling, you can create well-structured and visually appealing conversations that stand out from plain text.

Here are some examples of how Markdown styling can enhance your conversations:

  1. Headings: Use headings to organize your conversations into sections and subsections, making it easier to navigate and follow along.

Copy code

# Main Topic ## Subtopic 1 ### Subtopic 1.1

  1. Lists: Create ordered or unordered lists to present information in a clear and organized manner.

Copy code

1. First item 2. Second item 3. Third item - Unordered item 1 - Unordered item 2 * Unordered item 3

  1. Code Blocks: Use code blocks to share snippets of code, terminal output, or any other formatted text.

Copy code

```python print("Hello,!")

  1. Links: Insert clickable links to websites, resources, or other relevant information.

Copy code

Check out the []( website for more information.

  1. Images: Enhance your conversations with relevant images by linking to them using Markdown syntax.

Copy code

![ Logo](

By mastering Markdown styling, you can elevate your conversations with AI characters on, making them more engaging, informative, and visually appealing.

The Art of Parenthetical Comments

The Art of Parenthetical Comments

One lesser-known but incredibly useful feature of’s text formatting is the ability to add parenthetical comments within your messages. These comments can provide additional context, clarification, or even humorous asides without disrupting the flow of the conversation.

To add a parenthetical comment, simply enclose your text within parentheses (). For example:Copy code

I love exploring new (and exciting!) places with my AI companion.

Parenthetical comments can be used in various ways:

  1. Providing Context: Use parenthetical comments to provide additional context or background information related to your message.

Copy code

The capital city of France (Paris) is known for its iconic landmarks and rich culture.

  1. Clarifying Meaning: Parenthetical comments can help clarify the meaning of your words or provide additional details.

Copy code

The project deadline (which was set for next Friday) has been extended by a week.

  1. Adding Humor or Personality: Parenthetical comments can also be used to inject humor or personality into your conversations, making them more engaging and enjoyable.

Copy code

I can't wait to try out the new (and probably overpriced) restaurant that just opened downtown.

  1. Offering Asides: Parenthetical comments can be used to offer asides or side notes that are related to but not essential to the main message.

Copy code

My friend (who is a huge sci-fi fan) is throwing a Star Wars-themed party next weekend.

By incorporating parenthetical comments into your conversations with AI characters on, you can add depth, nuance, and personality to your messages, making your interactions more dynamic and engaging.

In conclusion, text formatting commands and techniques like parenthetical comments can significantly enhance your conversations with AI characters on By leveraging these tools, you can convey tone and emotion, improve readability, add visual interest, enhance role-playing scenarios, and personalize your style. So, embrace the power of text formatting and unlock a whole new level of creative expression and engaging storytelling with your AI companions.


Text formatting makes conversations better. It adds style and personality. Bold, italics, and strikethrough convey meaning. Headings organize information in sections. Lists present items clearly. Code blocks show examples. Links connect to other websites and resources. Images make things visual and engaging. Parenthetical comments add helpful context. Short sentences, easy words make it simple to read.

Formatting improves expression and readability. With’s markdown tools, conveying tone is a breeze. A few keystrokes totally transform plain text. So give formatting a try! Make conversations pop in an expressive, easy to follow way.


What words can Character.AI not say?

Character.AI filters profanity, hate speech, extreme views, and explicit content to keep conversations respectful and family-friendly.

Which type is used for character formatting?

Character.AI uses Markdown syntax (e.g. #headings, bold, italics, links, etc.) for all text formatting.

How do you text a character in AI?

Open Character.AI, select a character, and start typing messages in the chat interface to have a back-and-forth conversation.

Does Character.AI learn from you?

No, the current Character.AI does not dynamically learn or update from user conversations – it operates based on initial training data only.

Can I fall in love with AI?

While simulated rapport feels real, AI cannot truly reciprocate deeper human emotions or attachment – managing expectations is important.

Is Character.AI ok for 13 year olds?

With parental guidance and sticking to milder characters/storylines, Character.AI is generally PG-13 appropriate for teens.

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